Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Life's a Fieldtrip

We went to the Parthenon today. It's a replica of the one in Athens, Greece built in the Athens of the South aka Nashville.

The coolest part about it is the statue of Athena inside. For those of you not in the "know," Athena is the patron goddess of Athens. During a competition between her and Poseidon over the patronage of Athens, they agreed they would each give the city one gift and the people of the city would decide which gift had more value. Poseidon struck his trident down and out sprung a spring of salt water, Athena struck her spear into the spring and out emerged an olive tree. The people of Athens decided the olive tree was more valuable and Athena became the patron deity of their city.
The statue is breathtaking. It's built by by Alan LeQuire, and I realized on the drive home that we go right by his studio on Charlotte, LeQuire Gallery. The girls are now in love with Athena and I think I am too!

Naomi: I'm Athena. . . Jayda: No, I'm Athena!

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